Sapphire was the first of Dora's kittens to go to her new home with Kerry, her new pink travel case looks the business!
Monday, 7 December 2009
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
George Enjoys the Christmas Tree!!!!
We thought you might like to see some pictures that we took tonight of George having fun in the Christmas tree. We put it up on Saturday, but today was the first time he's got any further than just hitting the baubles. Bella hasn't ventured up it as far as we're aware, but we don't think it will take her long. Best wishes. Glyn and Claire x

It's George's first Christmas, he is one of Missy's kittens born in March 2009. He is keen to experience all the joys, starting with the tree!! Thanks to Glyn and Claire for the pictures and email , showing what a gorgeous big boy he is growing into!
We thought you might like to see some pictures that we took tonight of George having fun in the Christmas tree. We put it up on Saturday, but today was the first time he's got any further than just hitting the baubles. Bella hasn't ventured up it as far as we're aware, but we don't think it will take her long.
Best wishes.
Glyn and Claire
Best wishes.
Glyn and Claire
Friday, 13 November 2009
Sorry all kittens now on hold!
This morning a very nice couple came around to see the last two kittens , they fell in love with both, and just couldn't decide between them, so they have taken both of them. We are all very happy, so as long as the home and vet visits all go well I am afraid that anyone who wants one of my babies will have to wait until next year. With a bit of luck Joy and Missy will be having a set each around January / February time.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Photo's of the babies- taken by our mate Frazer
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Bargin Kittens- Please read before you buy
I have just visited the website of Dorclise Ragdolls in Scotland, having met this very experienced breeder, Jayne at a breeders seminar last weekend. I felt I had to share something I saw on her superb website with you; as I whole heartedly agree with it's message. Earlier this year one of my kittens went to a lovely family who had been caught by one of unregistered breeders having had to have they beloved kitten put down at 18 months old was heart breaking, not to say costly after numerous expensive trips to the vets! Please be assured that that all my cats and kittens are well loved and healthy . My kittens are available to loving indoor pet homes only.All our kittens are born and raised indoors as part of our family, therefore, we like all new owners to visit us, before choosing a kitten; that way the right kitten gets the right home. We do not home on a first come first served basis. We want our kittens to have forever homes, meeting and selecting the best family for our kittens ensures this.
Bargain Ragdolls!!
Have you ever seen an advert in a paper or website saying "Ragdolls - adorable kittens 9 weeks old, great temperament, available now, only £250 - £300. Sounds great doesn't it?? Haven't you ever wondered what the difference is between those kittens and the ones from reputable, registered, breeders that may cost a couple of hundreds pound more??
First of all these kittens are almost certainly not registered with the GCCF, ACFA or TICA, therefore you will have no more than the seller's word that these kittens are full pedigree Ragdolls, and will carry the fabulous Ragdoll traits. A story you may often here is, "The breeder I bought the kittens parents from didn't give me the registration papers. The parents aren't registered so I'm unable to register the kittens, BUT they are REAL RAGDOLLS"!
So why is this??? In the worst case, the owner has simply found two domestic cats that have a look of a Ragdoll and has bred them. Then you are paying £250 for a kitten with no Ragdoll blood in them whatsoever!!
The most common reason is that the person selling the kittens bought two pet quality ragdolls and bred them. These cats were sold as pets. They may not have had the correct markings, size, conformation or indeed temperament, necessary to become breeding cats. That is the reason why they were sold as pets in the first place. Those cats would almost certainly have been sold with a spay/neuter contract. The buyer signed that contract, promising to have the kittens neutered. They have lied to the breeder they purchased them from, and are now breeding themselves and cashing in on people like you. Do you want to buy a kitten from someone like that?
Think to yourself......why would anyone who has paid the high price for breeding quality ragdolls (often £700 - £900 per cat) not insist on having the registration papers?? The cat associations can be contacted to intervene and ensure the breeders supply any promised registration paperwork for a Ragdoll that has been sold. So why wouldn't this person contact them and ask for the assistance in obtaining the registration papers? Because they know they did not buy breeding quality Ragdolls, and they have violated the orignal contract given by the breeder by not having them spayed/neutered. If you ask them for your kitten's pedigree, they will suddenly develop amnesia and claim to have forgotten the names of the cats in the pedigree, just in case you contact the orignal breeder.
So should this matter to you?? OF COURSE!!! Back Yard Breeders do not have the best interest of their own cats/kittens in mind, much less the interest of the Ragdoll breed as a whole. They often breed their female every time she comes on heat, never allowing her body to recover from the last litter before she becomes pregnant again. The poor cats are often ill, kept in unsanitary conditions, do not receive regular veterinary care (that would cost them money, not make them money)
Young kittens aged 9- 10 weeks are cute, but are definately not ready to leave their mum. Most Ragdoll kittens are only just weaned at 8 weeks; they haven't had chance to master use of the litter tray and use a scraching post. Some will be sick and won't have seen a vet. This means you could end up spending a considerable amount of your own money and time nursing your kitten back to health.
So why do the Back Yard Breeders let them go at this stage?? Simple MONEY!!! Kittens consume a lot of time, energy and food. You will not get any insurance from the breeder, if the kitten becomes ill you will have to pay the bills. Even if the kitten doesn't become ill, kittens from Back Yard Breeders usually haven't received thier vaccinations which will cost you two trips to the vet at approx £40 per visit. So your £250 - £300 kitten really isn't a bargain after all. You will have very quickly spent the money you would of paid for a full pedigree, registered, well-socialised, vaccinated, already spayed/neutered kitten from a reputable breeder.
If you decide to get a Ragdoll, ensure that you purchase a Full Pedigree Ragdoll from a reputable, registered breeder and not a Back Yard Breeder. Yes it will cost you a few hundred pounds extra in the first instance, but believe me it is money well spent!!!
TODAY ! I have meet a couple who recently had brought a unregistered kitten cheaply (there words not mine!) at £250 from one such breeder thay took it home at 7/8 weeks!!! I didn't like to point out that this wasn't a bargin. They have to got to pay out for injections at least £50 plus food, worming and flea treatments for 7 weeks, any vet bills that might arise because they have been taken away from their mother so soon and on top of that they have got a kitten who they can't guarentee it's parentage so it might not even be a full ragdoll!!!
Bargain Ragdolls!!
Have you ever seen an advert in a paper or website saying "Ragdolls - adorable kittens 9 weeks old, great temperament, available now, only £250 - £300. Sounds great doesn't it?? Haven't you ever wondered what the difference is between those kittens and the ones from reputable, registered, breeders that may cost a couple of hundreds pound more??
First of all these kittens are almost certainly not registered with the GCCF, ACFA or TICA, therefore you will have no more than the seller's word that these kittens are full pedigree Ragdolls, and will carry the fabulous Ragdoll traits. A story you may often here is, "The breeder I bought the kittens parents from didn't give me the registration papers. The parents aren't registered so I'm unable to register the kittens, BUT they are REAL RAGDOLLS"!
So why is this??? In the worst case, the owner has simply found two domestic cats that have a look of a Ragdoll and has bred them. Then you are paying £250 for a kitten with no Ragdoll blood in them whatsoever!!
The most common reason is that the person selling the kittens bought two pet quality ragdolls and bred them. These cats were sold as pets. They may not have had the correct markings, size, conformation or indeed temperament, necessary to become breeding cats. That is the reason why they were sold as pets in the first place. Those cats would almost certainly have been sold with a spay/neuter contract. The buyer signed that contract, promising to have the kittens neutered. They have lied to the breeder they purchased them from, and are now breeding themselves and cashing in on people like you. Do you want to buy a kitten from someone like that?
Think to yourself......why would anyone who has paid the high price for breeding quality ragdolls (often £700 - £900 per cat) not insist on having the registration papers?? The cat associations can be contacted to intervene and ensure the breeders supply any promised registration paperwork for a Ragdoll that has been sold. So why wouldn't this person contact them and ask for the assistance in obtaining the registration papers? Because they know they did not buy breeding quality Ragdolls, and they have violated the orignal contract given by the breeder by not having them spayed/neutered. If you ask them for your kitten's pedigree, they will suddenly develop amnesia and claim to have forgotten the names of the cats in the pedigree, just in case you contact the orignal breeder.
So should this matter to you?? OF COURSE!!! Back Yard Breeders do not have the best interest of their own cats/kittens in mind, much less the interest of the Ragdoll breed as a whole. They often breed their female every time she comes on heat, never allowing her body to recover from the last litter before she becomes pregnant again. The poor cats are often ill, kept in unsanitary conditions, do not receive regular veterinary care (that would cost them money, not make them money)
Young kittens aged 9- 10 weeks are cute, but are definately not ready to leave their mum. Most Ragdoll kittens are only just weaned at 8 weeks; they haven't had chance to master use of the litter tray and use a scraching post. Some will be sick and won't have seen a vet. This means you could end up spending a considerable amount of your own money and time nursing your kitten back to health.
So why do the Back Yard Breeders let them go at this stage?? Simple MONEY!!! Kittens consume a lot of time, energy and food. You will not get any insurance from the breeder, if the kitten becomes ill you will have to pay the bills. Even if the kitten doesn't become ill, kittens from Back Yard Breeders usually haven't received thier vaccinations which will cost you two trips to the vet at approx £40 per visit. So your £250 - £300 kitten really isn't a bargain after all. You will have very quickly spent the money you would of paid for a full pedigree, registered, well-socialised, vaccinated, already spayed/neutered kitten from a reputable breeder.
If you decide to get a Ragdoll, ensure that you purchase a Full Pedigree Ragdoll from a reputable, registered breeder and not a Back Yard Breeder. Yes it will cost you a few hundred pounds extra in the first instance, but believe me it is money well spent!!!
TODAY ! I have meet a couple who recently had brought a unregistered kitten cheaply (there words not mine!) at £250 from one such breeder thay took it home at 7/8 weeks!!! I didn't like to point out that this wasn't a bargin. They have to got to pay out for injections at least £50 plus food, worming and flea treatments for 7 weeks, any vet bills that might arise because they have been taken away from their mother so soon and on top of that they have got a kitten who they can't guarentee it's parentage so it might not even be a full ragdoll!!!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Monday, 28 September 2009
Saturday, 26 September 2009
KT has 3 beautiful Kitten's
Dora and the Kids move downstairs!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Friday, 18 September 2009
Sad day for us all.
Our dear Peace has had to have an operation today, as she had a mass in her abdomen, which turned out to be a mummified kitten and her uterus was full of pus ,so she is a very lucky girl that she had not to suffered any peritonitis symptoms and be dead! However, they did have to spay her because of this. Derek has collecting her and the dead kitten ,so I can bury it , can't bear the thought of the poor little thing being chucked away with the rubbish. Now we must concentrate on getting her up to strength again and start her in her new life just as a pet . But as she is only two she should be able to cope with it all.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Thursday, 3 September 2009
They have finally arrived!!!!!!
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Dora is expecting her first litter of kittens around the 22nd of August. They are Sired by Tyler. More news soon!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Maisie in her new home

Just thought I would update you some photos that Lisa sent today of Maisie . They came with this message "The cat you see her with is Charlie, her best friend at the minute (3/4 ragdoll) Thankfully he is very gentle with her because as you will see in the first picture there is a big difference between the two of them LOL"
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Hello Big Boy!!!!
Monday, 22 June 2009
Big Thank you
Last night we had the honor of visiting two homes that have been taken over by our kittens. We visited first Zena and Neko are being loved by Debz and Jade's , now Jade has her new camera I hope we will have photo’s and videos of them soon.
Then we went to see Elphaba who is being doted on by Sarah and Rob, even when she wouldn’t perform in front of an audience, the fact that she too has taken on her mothers habit of retrieving items!
Big thank you to both families for allowing us to visit them, and see our babies so happy with their new parents.
Then we went to see Elphaba who is being doted on by Sarah and Rob, even when she wouldn’t perform in front of an audience, the fact that she too has taken on her mothers habit of retrieving items!
Big thank you to both families for allowing us to visit them, and see our babies so happy with their new parents.
Bella and George are accepted.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Harley has settled in well with Taz and Alfie
Harley travelled all the way to the Wirral with his new mum Emma. " Harley got to his new homesafe, he behaved well and slept right through the car ride home and has settled in to his new home very well, he is running around and playing with Alfie our other Ragdoll. He has eaten and is fast asleep on my shoulder.... Thank you so much for letting me have him , he's such an angel." Here are some photo's of him with his new playmates.
Going to thier new families
Friday, 12 June 2009
Bungle goes to his new home
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Sorry not updated for a while
So sorry but life this end has been hectic. With kittens running havoc around the place and demanding feeding every time they see me enter the kitchen! My son is starting to complain about being feed kitten left overs! That is to say that I roast a couple of chickens each week and so we are having it regularly either hot or cold once I have removed the major part of both breasts for the kittens first!
They have all been for their final injections and vet check up which they again passed with flying colours. They have had there final worming and flea treatments ready for collection over the next few days. At this point I am kidding myself that I am not going to miss them, as I'm looking forward to coming down in the morning to find the conservatory as I left it, not looking as if some sort of whirlwind has wrecked the place. Also the fact that my legs will be safe when I'm preparing food and not being used as climbing frame even if my legs are bare! Ouch! However I know in reality I will miss the little darlings and the time I have spent petting and loving them.
Time to start all over again!
They have all been for their final injections and vet check up which they again passed with flying colours. They have had there final worming and flea treatments ready for collection over the next few days. At this point I am kidding myself that I am not going to miss them, as I'm looking forward to coming down in the morning to find the conservatory as I left it, not looking as if some sort of whirlwind has wrecked the place. Also the fact that my legs will be safe when I'm preparing food and not being used as climbing frame even if my legs are bare! Ouch! However I know in reality I will miss the little darlings and the time I have spent petting and loving them.
Time to start all over again!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
Names for the Kittens !
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
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