I know it's been an age since I have posted but things have been hectic at Tzkatz! KT has had a kitten - Georgie Porgie! Well he has to be call George he was born to Katie on the 22nd July along as was our new Prince!
Not the best of photos but he is a very busy chap and always on me move , usually between food bowls!
Miaha had six kittens on the 24th July, so KT helped by raising two until they were 4 weeks old when they all moved down into the conservatory together . She had two blue mitted boys and 4 blue points , two each sex , all very cute and friendly always getting into mischief as they explore downstairs!
an interesting position for an afternoon Nap!
Angel then had three little cherubs, 2 seal point boys and a seal point Tortie girl on the 6th of August! so we have a house full of hungry mouths to feed and tinkers to clear up after it's wonderful.

Yep ! Angel had her kittens in the Bathroom towel cupboard , however it won't be long before they move down stairs as they are eating well.
Miaha's kittens from Last year Charlie,Oscar, Archie, Toffle and Khurfu all have turned one ! I went to visit Toffle recently and he has grown into a very handsome enormous boy absolutly gorgeous and knows how to celebrate his birthday is style!
Where as Oscar and Archie were far more laid back about it all, although they had the most amazing birthday present a new run straight from the house!
Lucky boys!